Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Please fill out the form with a brief description of your needs with a phone number we can reach you. Moreover, please leave a 4-digit security code if you are a victims of domestic violence or been human trafficked. The 4 digit code will help us to identify you when we call. The 4 digit request is optional.
When you call an intake specialist will be on the line. Please do not give out any additional information other than what you are asked. All calls are confidential and the information you provide. After providing requested information and documentation for our data base materials received are destroyed. If you need immediate emergency services such as Hospital or Police, please call 911.
The 4 digits you provide us with will be switched to a random 6-digit security code. This number will create a case file and used as your permanent security name. No one from Pathways for Victims of Domestic Violence will ever ask you for payments over the phone to complete this process. Moreover, please do not give out your Social Security number over the phone. It's very important that you follow these instructions for your safety.
Those of public interest in our programs or just needing more information, please read the information on the website before you fill out the form. We try to give as much information on the website as possible to help with fast track services.
Now Serving: Counties in California
Online Services and Outreach.
Face to Face appointments is available Mon. Wed. Fri. at 2:30pm. Use the contact Us form as the first point of contact.
California Resources, Shelter and Programs,
Contact us or click on "Victims Corner in the menu bar.
Coming soon shelters, resources and classes: Atlanta, GA, New York, NY, Columbus, Ohio, Clayton, NC, Indianapolis, IN, Houston, TX and Newark, NJ.
Expanding to meet the greater needs of victims nationwide.
Mailing address:
P.O. Box #114
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Office Phone:
310-642-8316 (Government agencies only)
Court ordered classes please fill out the Contact Us form on the left side of the screen.
For emergency Food Stamps, please go to your local Food Stamp office or apply online at
All calls are returned in the order received and calls are monitored and recorded for educational purposes.
We have a new system in place in order to service our customers and provide faster and better service. Please use the contact form for faster intake services. We no longer offer telephone communication as the first point of contact. The first point of contact is the Contact Us form. After filling out the form an Advocate will call you to verify your identity, needs and proceed with eligibility. Shelter placement may take up to 30 days due to the rise in homelessness. Benefits can take up to 60 days due to the high volume of customers serviced each day. If application received are not fully filled out and documents requested is not received services and benefits can be denied.
To file a police report with LAPD online please go to:
For those seeking a Pro Bono Attorney, please go to the MENU bar and click on "VICTIMS CORNER" and search for "STATEWIDE SERVICES by clicking on the GRAY button.
If you seeking to donate, please fill out the Donors Application Form to be approved and for items to be picked up from your location. Donors who wish to donate funds, please send to the P.O. Box #114, Santa Monica, CA 90406.
We do not accept solicitations by mail, email or walk-ins.